I'm Brian Gao.
I'm a systems design engineering student at the University of Waterloo. Previously, I've created cool things at Faire, Nebula Block, Arctic Wolf Networks, JANA Corporation, and Waterloop, totaling 2 years of tech work experience.

A statistics app built with the YouTube Data API that provides
insight into your viewing habits on YouTube
A hackathon-winning lifestyle app built with OpenCV that scans
food and analyzes the quality of them
Garbage Aim
A 3-D aim-training game built with Three.js where you shoot
garbage bags and learn about climate change
A sleek web calculator with keyboard support built with
Vanilla HTML/CSS/JS that handles all possible edge cases
is the number of programming languages I know well. These include:

I'm semi-competent with the following:
I'm also fluent in the following frameworks: